Mahatma Gandhi: Little known facts most of us don’t know about him.
Mahatma Gandhi experimented with diets to see how cheaply he could live and remain healthy. He started living principally on fruit and goat's milk and olive oil.
Gandhi was always able to rapidly come back to excellent health after his very prolonged fasts because of goats' milk. Goat's milk is one of the best food medicines for rebuilding the brain, nervous system, and mental faculties. Goat's milk is one of the finest foods for regenerating the cells of the body and bringing a person back to health.
Get your instant healthy Goat's Milk, HiGoat with no goatty smell, no sugar added, 100% pure at ONLY RM29.90 per box (15 sachets).
Importance of Goat's Milk
Author: EreEre
Goat Milk, the first thing which strikes to everyone is Mahatma Gandhi. Yes our father of nation – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi‘s diet comprised of a litre of Goat's milk, 150 gm of cereals with leafy vegetables and other vegetables along with ghee or butter. He is a man who believed food should be taken as a duty and has to be healthy and this is the way nature intended it to.
A report says India is having the second largest goat population in the world and some of the great milch breeds like Jamunapari, Beetal, Surti, Barbari is the highest producer of goat milk in the world. Because of the unorganized Goat farming the popularity is much lower. Goat's milk has got a lot of benefits when compared with the Cow's milk. Because of a different fat content and non presence of agglutinin in the Goat's milk, it is very easy to digest as it never clusters like Cow's fat and even safe for children. Because of a different protein content Goat's milk proteins forms a softer curd proving its easier digestibility.
Goat milk contains higher amount of Ca, Mg and P than cow and human milk but vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folate contents are less. Goat milk is recommended for infants, old and convalescent people. Three fatty acids viz., caproic, caprylic and capric have great medicinal values for patients suffering from a variety of ailments. Goat's milk may also have advantages when it comes to allergies. Goat's milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpha-S1, found in cow's milk. Goat's milk casein is more similar to human milk.
A clear cut study indicates the nutritive value in terms of energy, minerals and vitamin contents goat milk, details fraction of protein and fat, characteristics of goat milk and the medicinal value of goat milk.
Even though in India, the goat population is more, because of the lack of studies on Goat’s milk and the milk supply from cows is more plentiful and cheaper, value of Goat’s milk is less understood. But in countries like USA and in Europe Goat’s dairy products are available plentiful and most of them are aware about its value. Let’s also walk Mahatma’s way...
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